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Staff Stories: Marily Matzar

Over the next several weeks, we'll be sharing pictures and stories from our staff members, each of whom has adapted to the changes required by this unprecedented time, and who are contributing in so many meaningful ways to Mission Guatemala's goal to continue to "do all the good we can!"

This week, we're sharing a story from Marily Matzar, Mission Guatemala's Community Outreach Supervisor. In this photo taken by one of her family members, Marily and her husband Henry work to sew the masks that Mission Guatemala is providing to healthcare workers, while their son Isaac plays nearby.

By Marily Matzar:

We all are very aware of what is happening worldwide, and know that this situation is affecting everyone, regardless of status or social class. Unfortunately, however, those most affected—as always—are those who are forced to live hand to mouth, day-to-day.

Over the past months, though our work has perhaps been less visible since we are not able to be as active in Mission Guatemala’s offices and in the communities, from our homes we are able to contribute to the projects that Mission Guatemala has implemented in order to continue doing “all the good we can” for our brothers and sisters.

Each one of us on the team has been willing to take on new and different roles from what our jobs have normally been, as well as to also work to ensure that Mission Guatemala’s programs continue serving in whatever way and to whatever extent is possible during this time.

Likewise, we are following the guidelines that come from leaders who are very supportive people with humanitarian values, who think about the well-being of those who need them and also that of their staff.

I am personally concerned about this situation since it impacts the already difficult living conditions of many of the families with whom we commonly work throughout our communities, however being part of Mission Guatemala’s great team makes us ever more united and ready to do our part to meet the needs that we can.

I want to give a special thanks to each of the donors for their generous support and contributions that ensure that our work of solidarity and service to the communities can continue to be given where it is most needed during crucial moments such as this occasion.

I am so very thankful that even though so many individuals and families are being affected by this same epidemic, they have not forgotten about so many others who need their support.

May God continue to bless you, and may each one of us continue to care for each other so that together we can make it through.