Over the next several weeks, we'll be sharing pictures and stories from our staff members, each of whom has adapted to the changes required by this unprecedented time, and who are contributing in so many meaningful ways to Mission Guatemala's goal to continue to "do all the good we can!"
This week, we're sharing a story from Elías Garcia, Mission Guatemala's Construction Projects Supervisor. In these photos, Elias, who normally is seen working alongside our volunteer teams on construction sites in the communities, works to iron and sew the masks that Mission Guatemala is providing to healthcare workers.
By Elías Garcia:
Hello and greetings to all who know me. I am Elías García, and I work with Mission Guatemala.
I hope with all my heart that everyone is in good health, along with all of your family and friends, and I just want to thank each of you for always keeping the staff of Mission Guatemala in mind during this time we are living right now.
In truth, I have personally felt sad for not being able to spend time with the volunteers who year after year have supported Mission Guatemala. Every year we have had different experiences together, and we have always shared wonderful moments alongside each other.
But during this time I am also very happy to be able to demonstrate some of my sewing skills, especially in the area of creating various pieces of PPE, which is right now our priority.
I hope to once again in the future welcome each of the volunteers who will have the opportunity to visit Guatemala...
Greetings to all and may God bless you forever.