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From The Boardroom: Board Member Tricia Howell

Today we welcome Tricia Howell in our "From the Boardroom" series! Tricia's dedication to loving her neighbor and her passion for working to support underserved communities has been clear not only through her tireless service with non-profits in the US but also through her work in-country in both Haiti and Guatemala.

Tricia served with us on the Mission Guatemala’s staff team in 2013-2014, helping to coordinate volunteer groups who served with us in-country. She joined our board earlier this year.

Tricia is currently the Program Coordinator at the nonprofit Computers4Kids in Charlottesville, Virginia. She has a servant's heart and a passion for the people of Guatemala. Her experience serving on staff at Mission Guatemala and other non-profits provides a unique perspective on the Mission Guatemala board!

We are grateful to Tricia for being a part of our staff team in the earlier days of Mission Guatemala, and for now serving as a board member! 

#doallthegoodyoucan #MG10

To watch her video, click here!