As we reach the end of another school year—in Guatemala the school year runs from January through October—we are excited that 6 students in our "Becas con Misión" (Scholarships with a Mission) program are graduating from high school!
As in so many other aspects of life, COVID-19 drastically changed the course of this academic year, especially for students who were in their final year of high school! In Guatemala, students are able to choose a vocational area for their high school studies. Most high school programs require students to complete an in-person internship at the end of their final year of high school, but because of the need for social distancing during the pandemic, such internships were not allowed by the Guatemalan Ministry of Education. Instead, teachers worked with their students to develop alternative projects.
Conchita, one of the students in Mission Guatemala's scholarship program, was given the project of planting, caring for, and harvesting a vegetable garden, instead of doing an internship focused on Community Development, her area of focus in High School. Dave, Marily, and Devora, Mission Guatemala's scholarship program coordinator, were able to get a first hand look at her project, after being invited for a home-cooked lunch by her and her family as a thank you for all the support she received through the "Becas Con Misión" program.
Mission Guatemala's middle and high school scholarship program provides an opportunity for students who have the determination and grades, but not the financial resources, to continue their education beyond the 6th grade, which is the education level that the Guatemalan government requires and readily provides. To find out more about our scholarship program and to learn how you can help, please visit https://missionguatemala.com/how-to-help/scholarships.html!
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