It’s Christmas eve, and we have some Christmas joy to share!
Today’s pictures are from our 10th annual Christmas box distributions, which were made possible once again thanks to our generous friends at Assurance United Methodist Church in Huntersville, North Carolina; North Webster United Methodist Church in North Webster, Indiana; as well as other individual donors!
This year, we were able to share “Canastas Navideñas" (Christmas Baskets) with 217 families in Pacamaché, a community in the Boca Costa region of Sololá, and a four hour drive from San Andrés! Each previous year, we have coordinated directly with the local leadership of the communities to ensure that each family living in a community receives a Christmas basket. However, this year, given the distance of the community of Pacamaché from San Andrés Semetabaj, and in order to limit exposure and travel to the area, we asked PAMI, a nonprofit with existing relations in the community, to help coordinate with the local leadership in order to provide us a complete count of the families in the community of Pacamaché.
As we strive to do all the good we can—while also doing no harm—this year's Christmas celebrations were different from those of years past. While we wish we could have celebrated in our normal ways, this year we felt we had no choice but to cancel our annual community Christmas parties with clowns and gifts and food, in order to protect the safety of the communities we serve and of our staff. But it most certainly did not stop us from spreading as much love and good as we possibly could!
As Christmas nears, we are reminded of how grateful we are for all the support and people that make our work possible. It’s because of people like YOU that make these joyful days possible year after year!
To see more photos from this day, click here!