In a time where the news from much of the world—including Guatemala—is bleak, we certainly could use something to celebrate. And we think that 11 years of doing "all the good we can together" could be just the thing! During the month of September and into October, we invite you to celebrate with us!
Because of you—and TOGETHER with you—Mission Guatemala has been a part of advancing health, education, and nutrition initiatives for our sisters and brothers in the San Andrés Semetabaj region and beyond for these past 11 years! We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve these communities, and for each one who has made it possible!
Throughout the coming weeks, we will be sharing with you more about the work of Mission Guatemala and also about ways that you can join us in celebrating—as well as how to get your own 11th Anniversary Mission Guatemala t-shirt!
Thank you for making these past 11 so years incredibly meaningful! And, as we step into the future, let’s go together!