As Mission Guatemala was first beginning 11 years ago, the vision for the organization was to establish a small clinic where access to respectful, quality medical care could be provided to the communities of San Andrés Semetabaj and the surrounding areas. And while that need was very real then, little could we have imagined how much more essential Mission Guatemala's clinic would become during this past year and in recent months as the COVID-19 pandemic has spread and begun to brutalize rural areas here in Guatemala.
In these recent weeks, as patients report being turned away at the public hospitals due to there being no available beds, and as some government clinics and hospitals lack even the most basic medicines needed to treat COVID patients, we are grateful that the "Clínica La Misión" – Mission Guatemala's clinic – has continued to be able to serve our sisters and brothers through our clinic, laboratory, and pharmacy.
We are excited for the opportunity to share this video, shot earlier this year, that gives a glimpse into Mission Guatemala's clinic space and provides the opportunity for Dr. Lidia and our other clinic staff to share about the amazing work that is being done each day.
On behalf of the over 39,000 patients who have been received, listened to, and cared for over the past 11 years, we thank each and every person whose incredible generosity, support, and prayers have allowed Mission Guatemala to impact the communities that we serve!
To watch the video, click here!
To help us continue to serve the community through quality, respectful medical care, consider making a donation today!