In Guatemala, a new school year is beginning and Mission Guatemala’s “Becas Con Misión” (Scholarships with a Mission) program is once again supporting students in pursuing their dreams of continuing their education! We are excited to welcome 25 new students to the scholarship program! These students join the 24 middle school and 37 high school students currently in the scholarship program, for a total of 86 students!
Students selected for the "Becas" scholarship program are chosen on the basis of both their economic need and their grades in elementary school, as well as on recommendations from their 6th grade teachers. Once accepted into the program, Mission Guatemala helps cover the student's inscription fees and monthly tuition costs, as well as necessary school supplies and uniforms. Each student must maintain their grades and meet the other basic requirements of the program and Mission Guatemala will continue to support the students each year, beginning in middle school and continuing until they graduate from high school!
The “Becas” program goes beyond simply helping to cover education expenses. Students in the program also receive free access to Mission Guatemala’s medical clinic and are also able to participate in enriching, relationship-building activities and workshops organized throughout the year by our staff!
At the start of each year, we meet with each of the scholarship students and their parents to share the details of the program with them and so that they can sign a document accepting the scholarship and acknowledging the expectations and standards of the program.
We need your help to fulfill the dreams of the 86 students to continue their education! With an average cost of just $25 a month for middle school students and $50 a month for high school students, your support helps to change lives—impacting not only the students, but also their families and their communities—through the gift of education!
To learn more, or to support these students, please click here.
To see more photos from these meetings, click here.