Our Mission

Living out our love for God and for our neighbor, Mission Guatemala exists to provide respectful and equitable access to healthcare, nutrition, education and community development initiatives in San Andrés Semetabaj and beyond.

In Guatemala, a new school year is beginning and Mission Guatemala’s “Becas Con Misión” (Scholarships with a Mission) program is once again providing an opportunity for students to continue their education after they graduate from the 6th grade, which is the education level that the Guatemalan government requires and readily provides.

It is our hope that the Expectant Mothers Club will help support mothers throughout their pregnancy, expanding access to quality and respectful care and to the knowledge and resources they need for a safer pregnancy and childbirth experience.

Mission Guatemala's clinic now has a cutting-edge electronic medical records database software, thanks to Dr. Rachelle Hippler and all of the wonderful faculty, staff and students at Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, Ohio!